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Immagine del redattoreLuca Rusconi

Crostone con le seppie - Cuttlefish on a hot plate

Crostone con le seppie - Cuttlefish on a hot plate

Ingredienti per 4 persone

4 seppie

4 cucchiai prezzemolo tritato

8 cucchiai olio evo

qb sale

1 limone

4 fette pane casereccio


In una ciotola mescolare l’olio, il prezzemolo, il limone spremuto ed il sale. Tostare il pane sotto il grill.

Pulire le seppie e cuocerle su di una plancia o su di una bistecchiera calda e unta per pochi minuti. Le seppie non devono cuocere molto - si possono mangiare anche crude -.

Una volta cotte tagliare le seppie a pezzi grossi e condirle nella ciotola con olio, sale, prezzemolo e limone.

Distribuire le seppie su di un piatto di portata sopra le fette di pane abbrustolito.


Ingredients for 4 persons


4 tablespoons chopped parsley

8 tablespoons evo oil

Salt to taste

1 lemon

4 slices of homemade bread


In a bowl mix the oil, the parsley, the lemon juice and salt. Toast the bread under the grill.

Clean the cuttlefish and cook them on a dashboard or on a hot greased griddle and for a few minutes. Cuttlefish should not cook a lot - you can also eat them raw -.

Once cooked, cut the squid into large pieces and dress them in the bowl with oil, salt, parsley and lemon.

Distribute the squid on a serving plate over the slices of toasted bread.

Cuttlefish - Have 10 feet, 8 of which are veritable tentacles of equal length and the remaining are long retractable appendixes equipped with denticulated suckers. The animal also has protruding eyes with a pupil very developed and in the shape of a W. Have an inner shell, said cuttlebone and a bag for the ink, which is ejected when the cuttlefish feels threatened.

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